
A Promise Fulfilled: The Development of Virginia Commonwealth University Since Its Establishment in 1969, co-authored with John Kneebone, in preparation, expected completion in 2013.

Reporting Truth to Power: Harrison E. Salisbury and The New York Times, co-authored with Donald E. Davis, in preparation. Manuscript completed, and discussion with presses underway.

The Marvel of Messina: Finally, A Bridge to Somewhere, co-authored with Donald E. Davis, in preparation, expected completion in 2013.

The Indispensable University: How Higher Education Can Promote Economic and Community Development in the Knowledge Economy, co-authored with Robert Holsworth (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010, 281 pp., published jointly with the American Council on Education).
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Distorted Mirrors: Americans and Their Relations with Russia and China in the Twentieth Century, co-authored with Donald E. Davis (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2009, 461 pp.)  Published in Russian as Krivye Zerkala: SSHA i ix otnosheniia s Rossiei i Kitaem v  XX veka (Moscow, Russia: Vagrius Publishers, 2009, 912 pp.). Published in Spanish as Espejos Deformantes: Los estadounidenses y sus relaciones con Rusia y China en el siglo XX (Cordoba, Spain: University of Cordoba Press, 2009, 660 pp.).

The First Cold War: The Legacy of Woodrow Wilson in U.S.-Soviet Relations
co-authored with Donald E. Davis, with Forewords by Lawrence S. Eagleburger and Vyacheslav Nikonov (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2002, 329 pp.). Published in Russian as Pervaiia kholodnaia voina: nasledie Vudro Vil’sona v sovetsko-amerikanskikh otonosheniiakh, (Moscow, Russia: Olma-Press Publishing House, 2002, 480 pp.). Published in Chinese (Peking University Press, 2007, 356 pp.).
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The Future of the Academic Library: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Wisconsin in September 1989 (Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science Occasional Papers, Numbers 188 and 189, 1991, 107 pp.), editor.

The Presidency of Warren G. Harding  (Lawrence: The Regents Press of Kansas, 1977; second printing, 1985; third printing, 1989; 232 pp., a volume in the American Presidency Series), co-authored with David Wilson, and selected by Book: The Magazine for the Reading Life (September/October, 2000) as the best book on President Warren G. Harding.
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The Secretaries of the Department of the Interior, 1849-1969 (Washington, D.C.: National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, 1975, 307 pp.).

The Treaty of Portsmouth: An Adventure in American Diplomacy (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1969, 194 pp.).

Annotated Charles Sawyer’s Concerns of a Conservative Democrat (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1968, 399 pp., of which 51 pp. are footnotes).

The Dublin Diaries
Continuing his interest in the role of higher education in developing high-technology and life sciences research, Eugene Trani, Ph.D., was a visiting professor at University College Dublin in Ireland during the summer of 2002. The result of his study, “Dublin Diaries: A Study of High Technology Development in Ireland,” published in fall 2002, explores the stunning economic growth of the “Celtic Tiger.” After conversations with nearly 70 academic, business and government leaders, Trani presents a comprehensive perspective of Ireland’s economic development and explores ways that the partnership of academia, business and government can continue to promote growth in that country.

The Cambridge Report
In spring 1998, Trani served a sabbatical at St. John’s College in Cambridge, England, where he completed a study entitled “Richmond at the Crossroads: the Greater Richmond Metropolitan Area and the Knowledge-based High Technology Economy of the 21st Century,” comparing high-technology development in Cambridge and Richmond. As a result of this study, Trani has been invited to give numerous presentations on the factors that are important to high-technology and biotechnology development. These invitations included serving as a panelist at the July 1999 conference, “Fostering Enterprise: The American Experience,” co-sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in London and the government of the United Kingdom, and presenting a paper entitled “The Collaborative University and High-Technology Development in the 21st Century” for the Oxford Round Table higher-education conference. The paper will be published in the conference proceedings.

“Universities, Communities and Knowledge in the United States,” in Paul Temple, ed., Universities in the Knowledge Economy (London, England: Routledge Publishers, forthcoming 2012), 139-156, co-authored with Robert Holsworth.

“A ‘Metroversity’ for a New Millennium,” in Nancy L. Zimpher and Kenneth R. Howey, eds., University Leadership in Urban School Renewal (Westport, Connecticut: American Council on Education and Praeger Publishers, 2004), 285-304.

“Virginia Commonwealth University: A Partner in Richmond’s Revitalization,” Economic Development America, (Winter 2004), 9-11.

“Dublin Diaries: A Study of High Technology Development in Ireland” (Richmond and Dublin, Ireland: Virginia Commonwealth University and Keough-Notre Dame Centre, Dublin, Ireland, 2002), 28 pp.

“Richmond at the Crossroads: The Greater Richmond Metropolitan Area and the Knowledge Based High Technology Economy of the 21st Century,” (Richmond: Virginia Commonwealth University and the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce, 1998), 15 pp.

“The Changing American College Presidency: From Public to Public-Private Leader,” Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, Volume 1 (1997), 34-39.

“Keynote Address: Changing Health Care Education: The Challenge to Dental Schools,” Journal of Dental Education; Volume 57 (July, 1993), 490-493.

“Conditions and Challenges for Higher Education in the United States,” Network: Publicacao Trimestral Do Centro De Estudos Norte-Americanos (Rio de Janeiro), Volume 2, Number 4, (Summer, 1992), 4-5.

“The Role of Topical Strategic Planning in University Systems,” in Wava G. Haney and Donald R. Field, eds., Agriculture and Natural Re­sources: Planning for Educational Priorities for the Twenty-first Century (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991), 3-8, co-au­thored with Ruth Robertson.

“The Scope and Limitations of Community Interactions,”  Metropolitan Universities, I (1990-1991), 27-39, co-authored with Charles P. Ruch. Reprinted as “Scope and Limitations of Community Interactions,” in Daniel M. Johnson and David A. Bell, eds., Metropolitan Universities: An Emerging Model in American Higher Education, (Denton, Texas: University of North Texas, 1995) 231-243.

“Challenges Met, Challenges Facing the Modern American University and Its Faculty,” in Clyde J. Wingfield, ed., Faculty Responsibility in Contemporary Society (Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1990), 1-25, co-authored with Clifton F. Conrad.

Future Societal Trends, Implications for Teacher Education in the Twenty-first Century: Papers from the University of Wisconsin System Conference at Wingspread  (Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin System, 1989, 98 pp.), compiler.

“The Changing Landscape of American Higher Education: Essay and Bibliography,” United States Information Agency Book Programs Division Series (Washington, D.C.: 1989, 107 pp.), co-authored with Clifton F. Conrad and Deborah L. Reilly.

“Higher Education in Louisiana: A Report on the Concept of a Single Governing Board for Public Higher Education in Louisiana” (Testimo­ny delivered in United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana in United States of America v. State of Louisiana, 1989, 30 pp.).

“Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: A Report Prepared for the Ministry of Planning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”  (Madison, Wisconsin: 1988, 96 pp.).

“Strategies for Integrating Technology into a Major University System,” Technology in Education and Training: Planning and Management  (Silver Spring, Maryland: Information Dynamics, Inc., 1984), 67-77, co-authored with Marge L. Ford.

“Helping Students Become More Sophisticated Consumers of Their Own Education,”  Eric Document Reproduction Service (Washington, D.C.: 1981, 118 pp.), ED 251022, HE 017885.

“Higher Education in Nebraska: A Report Prepared for the Sloan Commission on Government and Higher Education,” Eric Document Reproduction Service  (Washington, D.C.: 1978, 57 pp.), ED 184449, HE 012474.

“College Teaching and the Adult Consumer: Toward a More Sophisticated Student Body,” Proceedings of the IEEE, LXVI (1978), 838-846, (invited paper, in a special issue on engineering education), co-authored with K. Patricia Cross, Steven B. Sample, and John Wiltse.

“Consumerism in the Classroom: The Nebraska Experiment,” in New Directions for the Student Consumer Movement (Washington, D.C.: American Association of Higher Education, Current Issues in Higher Education, 1978), 7-12.

“Morgenthau’s Theory, Salisbury’s Proof: 45 Years Later, Still Correct,” in G. O. Mazur, ed., Thirty Year Memorial Commemoration to the Life of Hans Morgenthau, (Paris: University of Paris Press, forthcoming, 2012), co-authored with Donald E. Davis.

“The End of an Era: Theodore Roosevelt and the Treaty of Portsmouth,” in Serge Richard, ed., A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt (Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2011), 368-390, co-authored with Donald E. Davis.

“The Man and the Land: The Politics of Paul Simon and Southern Illinois, 1950-1973,” 1975, 75 pp.,, May 24, 2010. Also, “A Publication of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, Southern Illinois University Carbondale,” 85 pp., in The Simon Review, Paper #21, July, 2010.

“Roosevelt and the U.S. Role: Perception Makes Policy,” in Steven Ericson and Allen Hockley, eds., The Treaty of Portsmouth and Its Legacies, (Hanover, New Hampshire: Dartmouth College Press, 2008), 62-74, co-authored with Donald E. Davis.

“A Tale of Two Kennans: American-Russian Relations in the Twentieth Century,” in J. Garry Clifford and Theodore A. Wilson, eds., Presidents, Diplomats, and Other Mortals, (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2007), 31-55, co-authored with Donald E. Davis.

“Povest’ o Dvukh Kennanakh: Amerikanskie Predstavleniia i Politika v Otnoshenii Rossii, 1891-1991” (A Tale about Two Kennans: American Notions and Policies in Russian Relations, 1891-1991), Amerikanskii Ezhegodnik, 2003 (American Yearbook, 2003), (Nauka, Moskva, 2005), 9-30, co-authored with Donald E. Davis. Also printed as “A Tale of Two Kennans: American Perception and Policy Toward Russia, 1891-1991,” in Experiencing American History: Viewpoints of American and Russian Historians(Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2005), 316-337.

“Robert Lansing (1864-1928),” in Edward S. Mihalkanin, ed., American Statesmen: Secretaries of State from John Jay to Colin Powell (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004), 314-324.

“Warren Gamaliel Harding (1921-1923),” (Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia),, 2003), contributing editor.

“Pervaiia kholodnaia voina: nasledie Vudro Vil’sona v sovetsko-amerikanskikh otonosheniiakh” (The First Cold War: The Legacy of Woodrow Wilson in U.S.-Soviet Relations), Vestnik Instituta Kennana v Rossii (Bulletin of the Kennan Institute in Russia), (Moskva, 2003), Vypusk 4, 77-84.

“Buduschee Rossii I Ameriki: prodolzhitelnii ‘chechenskii’ urok” (America’s and Russia’s Future: The Continuing Lessons of Chechnya), in Zvezda (Star), Number 1, (2003), 152-54.

“Dollar Diplomacy,” in Alexander DeConde, ed., Encyclopedia of American Foreign PolicySecond Edition  (3 volumes, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2002), I, 543-549.

“William Sidney Graves,” John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, eds., American National Biography (24 volumes, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), IX, 437-439, co-authored with Susan Kennedy.

“Teapot Dome Scandal,” in Leonard W. Levy and Louis Fisher, eds., Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (4 volumes, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), IV, 1448-1449.

“Perspektivi Programmi Fonda Fulbraita v Rossii” (The Future Prospects for the Fulbright Program in Russia), in Istoricheskii Obraz Ameriki. Materiali mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferenzii, posviacshennoi dvadtzatiletiu programmi Fonda Fulbraita, sostoiavsheisia v MGU (The Historical Image of America. Materials of the International Scientific Conference, devoted to the 20th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program, Held in Moscow State University)  (Moscow: Ladomir, 1994),  28-35.

“The Influence of Russian Emigres on American Policy Toward Russia and the USSR, 1900-1933, with Observations on Analogous Develop­ments in Great Britain,” Coexistence: A Review of East-West and Development Issues, 28 (1991), 215-251, co-authored with Richard D. McKinzie. A shortened version of this article appeared in Menorah Review, Numbers 24 and 25, 1992.

“Paul Simon, Midwestern Progressive: A Review Essay of Paul Simon’s Winners and Losers: The 1988 Race for the Presidency - One Candidate’s Perspective,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, 73 (1989-1990), 134-141, co-authored with Jerrold C. Rodesch.

“Pointing with Pride, Viewing with Alarm: A Review Essay of Paul Kennedy’s The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, 72 (1988), 51-55.

“Ray Lyman Wilbur,” in Warren F. Kuehl, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Internationalists(Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983), 774-775.

“The Department of the Interior,” in Richard C. Davis, ed., Encyclopedia of American Forest and Conservation History (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1983), 131-134.

“Interwar Diplomacy, 1920-1937,” in Richard D. Burns, ed., Guide to American Foreign Relations Since 1700 (Santa Barbara, California: American Bibliographical Center - Clio Press, 1983), 589-623, co-au­thored with Robert H. Ferrell and others.

“The Foreign Policy of Nebraska,” The Washington Quarterly, III (1980), 60-71, co-authored with Steven B. Sample.

“Herbert Hoover and the Russian Revolution, 1917-1920,” in Lawrence E. Gelfand, ed., Herbert Hoover, the Great War and Its Aftermath, 1914-23  (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1979), 113-142.

“Dollar Diplomacy,” in Alexander DeConde, ed., Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy (3 volumes, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978), I, 268-274.

“Chinese in America: The Nineteenth-Century Experience,” in Thomas H. Etzold, ed., Aspects of Sino-American Relations Since 1784  (New York: Franklin Watts/New Viewpoints, 1978), 25-47, co-au­thored with Frederick Hoyt.

“Woodrow Wilson and the Decision to Intervene in Russia: A Reconsideration,” Journal of Modern History, XLVIII (1976), 440-461, reviewed in Voprosy istorii, (Moscow), No. 11 (November, 1977), 204-205.

“Four American Fiddlers and Their Far Eastern Tunes: A Survey of Japanese-American Relations, 1898-1941,” in Bernard Gordon, ed., The New Political Economy of the Pacific (Cambridge: Ballinger, 1975), 47-67.

“The American YMCA and the Russian Revolution,” Slavic Review, XXXIII (1974), 469-491, co-authored with Donald Davis.

“An American in Russia: Russell M. Story and the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1919,” The Historian, XXXVI (1974), 704-721, co-authored with Donald Davis.

“Cautious Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Diplomacy of Activism,” in Frank Merli and Theodore Wilson, ed., Makers of American Diplo­macy: From Theodore Roosevelt to Henry Kissinger (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974), 1-27.

“Hubert Work,” in Edward T. James, ed., Dictionary of American Biography: Supplement Three, 1941-1945  (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1973), 845-846.

“Woodrow Wilson, China, and the Missionaries, 1913-1921,” Journal of Presbyterian History, XLIX (1971), 328-351, reprinted in Chinese in Religion and American Society(Shanghai, People’s Republic of China), 3 (2005), 281-314.

“Hubert Work and the Department of the Interior, 1923-1928,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly, LXI (1970), 31-40.

“Russia in 1905: The View from the American Embassy,” The Review of Politics, XXXI (1969), 48-65.

“Charles Evans Hughes: The First Good Neighbor,” Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XL (1968), 138-152.

“Conflict or Compromise: Harold L. Ickes and Franklin D. Roosevelt,” North Dakota Quarterly, XXXVI (1968), 20-29.

“Secretary Denby Takes a Trip,” Michigan History, LI (1967), 277-297.

“Harding Administration and Recognition of Mexico,” Ohio History, LXXV (1966), 137-148, 190-192. 

“What Could Murdoch Learn from Salisbury,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Commentary Section, August 7, 2011, E3, co-authored with Donald Davis.

“Richmond: Logistics Capital USA,” Richmond-Times-Dispatch, March 27, 2011, E1.

“Lessons from Wisconsin,” The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, March 13, 2011, 13.

“Winning World Cup Yet Another Success for Qatar,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Commentary Section, December 12. 2010, E1, 6.

“Bloody Sunday Revisited,” Virginia Tomorrow, June 25, 2010,

“China on the Move,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, June 13, 2010, E1.

“High-Speed Rail: Will the Fast Trains Come to the Area?” Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 3, 2010, A9.

Eugene P. Trani: The Best of Presidents, The Worst of Presidents: How Virginia Stacks Up,” Virginia Tomorrow, March 5, 2009

“School Promotes Academic Excellence,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 31, 2008.

“Even in Hard Times, Colleges Should Help Their Communities,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Volume 54, Issue 36, May 16, 2008, A-36.

“Master Plans Acknowledge Symbiotic Relationship,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 27, 2008, E6.

“Time Magazine Missed an Opportunity,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, January 12, 2008, A11.

“Do Not Isolate Israel, Embrace It,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, September 23, 2007, E6.

“Athletic Facilities Fill a Serious Need for Students,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 15, 2007, E6.

“Global Impact: Take Note, America: India Is Coming,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, November 19, 2006, E3.

“Russia 2006: Criticize, but Don’t Exclude,” International Herald Tribune , September 15, 2006, 8.

“On the Boulevard: VCU Envisions Sports Complex,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, May 7, 2006, F-2.

“Keep Research Money for Colleges in State Budget,” The Virginian-Pilot, Hampton Roads, February 15, 2006.

“Fresh Fields Present Healthy Opportunity for R&D,” Irish Independent, November 21, 2002.

“High-Tech and Biotech Fit Nicely Into Traditional Richmond,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, March 27, 1999, A-16.

“Showcase the I-64 Corridor,” Newport News Daily Press, December 19, 1998, A-11.

“Industry – Based Education: VCU Answers High-Tech’s Call,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, March 21, 1998, A-13.

“Creating a Broader Model of Shared Governance,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section 1, January 10, 1997, A-72. This article also appeared as Ch. 11 in Paul J. Olscamp, Moral Leadership: Ethics and the College Presidency (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003), 147-51.

“A Miracle in South Africa,” Richmond Free Press, March 7-9, 1996, 6, co-authored with L. Douglas Wilder. This article also appeared in Black Issues in Higher Edu-cation, November 28, 1996.

“Question of Survival, Medical Centers Need Relief From Red Tape: VCU Needs Freedom to Compete in Market,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Commentary Section, February 11, 1996, Fl.

“Why American Universities Beat Oxbridge,” The Times (London), September 11, 1995, 37.

“The Distorted Landscape of Intercollegiate Sports,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section 2, March 17, 1995, B1-B2. An abridged version of this article appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sports Section, March 19, 1995, D-4, and The NCAA News, March 22, 1995, Volume 32, Number 12, 4-5.

“Why Trade with China Will Help the U.S.,” Newport News Daily Press, Outlook Section, September 11, 1994, F1, F4. This article also appeared in the Roanoke Times and World-News, Horizon Section, September 18, 1994, B-3.

“The Challenge to the Academic Medical Center,” Virginia Medical Quarterly, 1994, Volume 121, 215.

“Putting Radiation Experiments in Context,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section 1, August 10, 1994, A-40.

“No Burning Secrets: Taking Exception,” The Washington Post, Outlook Section, July 3, 1994, C-11.

“Virginia Education Works for Business,” Newport News Daily Press, Outlook Section, November 21, 1993, H1, H4. This article also appeared in the Richmond Free Press, November 24-27, 1993, 7, and The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, November 29, 1993, A-6.

“Lesson for Yeltsin: Chinese Tortoise Passes Russian Hare,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Commentary Section, October 17, 1993, F7. This article also appeared in The Korea Herald, Seoul, October 27,1993, 6.

“Gorbachev Led the Way for Forces of Freedom,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 9, 1993, A-11.

“Can Russia’s Economy Fly?  Aid to Republics a Job for U.S.,” Newport News Daily Press, Outlook Section, February 28, 1993, H1, H4.

“A Time for Collaboration with Africa”, Richmond Free Press, December 10-12, 1992, 7.

“Biotech Park and Spinoffs Will Benefit City, State,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, October 7, 1992, A-11.

“U.S. Needs New Foreign Policy That Sees Russia’s Needs Clearly,” The Tampa Tribune, August 19, 1992, Peninsula-5.

“Foreign Affairs is Everybody’s Business,” Roanoke Times and World-News, Horizon Section, April 5, 1992, F-3. This article also appeared in The Virginia-Pilot, Norfolk, May 4, 1992, A-10.

“90’s Higher Education: An Endangered Species,”  Richmond Times-Dispatch, Perspective Section, March 15, 1992, F-7.

“Health Care and Biomedical Outreach,” Capitol Forum: The Newspaper of Capitol Square, Richmond, December, 1991, 10.

“Soviets Can Profit from U.S. Schools,” The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, October 28, 1991, A-6.

“A Marshall Plan for Higher Education in the Soviet Union,” Roanoke Times and World-News, August 2, 1991, A-9.

“Do We Really Know What PC Is About?,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Perspective Section, July 28, 1991, F-7

“A Marshall Plan for Higher Education in the Soviet Union Would Work Toward Ending the Cold War Once and for All,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section 2, March 13, 1991, B1, B3. This article appeared in The Congressional Record - U.S. Senate, June 26, 1991, S 8819. It has also been printed in newspapers in the Soviet Union. In Moscow it appeared in Pravitelstvenniija Vestnik (Govern­ment Messenger), May 11, 1991 and in Leningrad in Sovetskii Uchitel (Soviet Teacher), June 6, 1991. This idea was also present­ed in testimony before the Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives, September 24, 1991.

“The U.S. Must Work with Soviets,” Newport News Daily Press, Outlook Section, February 3, 1991, I1, I4.

“Urban Universities’ Diverse, Expanding Role,” The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, December 28, 1990, A-12.

“VCU’s Urban Mission Termed an Asset for All of Virginia,” Waynesboro News-Virginian, December 12, 1990, A-10. Slightly different ver­sions of this article appeared in the Newport News Daily Press, December 22, 1990, the Staunton, Virginia, Daily News Leader, December 24, 1990, and the Lynchburg News and Daily Advance, April 14, 1991.

“Reason Should Guide VCU Growth,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Perspective Section, November 18, 1990, F-7.

“The Richmond-VCU Dynamic,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Perspective Section, September 2, 1990, H-7.          

“Reform Tests Communism,” Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Opinion Section, May 7, 1989, 16A.

“Thatcher is Remaking British Political Scene,” The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, Other Voices, July l3, l987, ll.

“Kansas City Has a Stake in the World Beyond Its Doorstep,” Kansas City Star, Forum Section, December 22, 1985, 6. A slightly differ­ent version of this article appeared in The Congressional Record-U.S._Senate, December 20, 1985, S 18324.

“Partnership at Stake in ANZUS Nuclear Controversy,” Kansas City Star, Forum Section, April 21, 1985, 4.

“Burned-out Hotel a Symbol of Philippines’ Problems,” Kansas City Star, Forum Section, April 14, 1985, 4.

“China the Friend vs. Russia the Foe, Different Perceptions Can’t Help but Affect Shape of Foreign Policy,” Kansas City Star, Forum Sec­tion, July 8, 1984, 1,4. A summary of this article appeared in Canka Xiaoxi (The Reference News), (Beijing), May 20, 1984.

“Transition Will Have Effects both Inside and Outside U.S.S.R.,” Kansas City Star, Forum Section, February 19, 1984, 1,4.

“Both UMKC and Community Gain from Interaction,” Kansas City Star, Forum Section, June 12, 1983, 4.

“Moderate Tone Needed with Soviets: Soviet-American Relations After Brezhnev,” Kansas City Star, Forum Section, November 21, 1982, 1,4.

Institute of Education, University of London, visiting professional fellow, 2010-2011

Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School, Taubman Center for State and Local Government, visiting scholar, 2008

St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, senior visiting scholar, 2007

Lincoln College, Oxford, senior visiting scholar, 2005

University College Dublin, visiting professor, 2002

St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, fellow commoner, 1998

Institute for United States Studies Fellowship, University of London, 1995

University of London, Office of the Vice Chancellor, visiting professor, 1987

United States Information Agency American participants program grants, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988 and 1990

Moscow State University, U.S.S.R., senior Fulbright lecturer in American history, Council for International Exchange of Scholars Fellowship, University of Missouri Faculty Fellowship, 1981

Sloan Commission on Government and Higher Education Grant, 1978

Lilly Endowment Grant, 1975-1976

Southern Illinois University Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, 1975-1976

Younger Humanist Award, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1972-1973

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Fellowship, 1972-1973

Southern Illinois University summer research grants, 1970, 1972 and 1975

Princeton University, visiting research fellow, "The Papers of Woodrow Wilson," National Historical Publications Commission Fellowship in advanced editing of documentary sources in American history, 1969-1970

American Philosophical Society grants, summer 1968 and summer 1972

Annual grants from the Southern Illinois University Office of Research and Projects, 1967-1974

United States Department of the Interior research grants, summer 1965 and summer 1966

David Dill and Frans van Vught, eds. (2010). "National Innovation and the Academic Research Enterprise: Public Policy in Global Perspective." Journal of Higher Education, 96, 106.

Phillip Payne. (2010). "Dead Last: The Public Memory of Warren S. Harding’s Scandalous Legacy." The Journal of American History, 96, 106.

Alexander Sidorkin. (June 29, 2009). "Labor of Learning: Market and the Next Generation of Educational Reform." Teachers College Record at

Michael Cassela-Blackburn. (2005). "The Donkey, the Carrot and the Club: William C. Bullitt and Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1948." Journal of American History, 92, 103 (co-reviewed with Donald E. Davis).

Carol Willcox Melton. (2002). "Between War and Peace: Woodrow Wilson and the American Expeditionary Force in Siberia, 1918-21." Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 15, 182-183 (co-reviewed with Donald E. Davis).

Donald D. Johnson. (1996). "The United States in the Pacific: Private Interests and Public Policies, 1784-1899." International History Review, XVIII, 664-666.

Frederick F. Travis. (1990). "George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924." International History Review, XII, 813-815.

Raymond A. Esthus. (1989). "Double Eagle and Rising Sun: The Russians and Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905." International History Review, XI, 149-150.

Linda Killen. (1984). "The Russian Bureau: A Case Study in Wilsonian Diplomacy." Journal of American History, 71, 660-661.

Ellis Hawley. (1982). "Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Commerce: Studies in New Era Thought and Practice." American Historical Review, 87, 1184.

Gerald K. Hines and Samuel J. Walker, eds. (1982). "American Foreign Relations: A Historiograhpical Review." in History Teacher, 15, 611-612.

William C. Widenor. (1982). "Henry Cabot Lodge and the Search for an American Foreign Policy." History Teacher, 15, 465.

Thomas R. Maddux. (1981). "Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941." American Historical Review, 86, 223.

David L. Porter. (1981). "Seventy-Sixth Congress and World War II, 1939-1940." Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 72, 87.

James K. Libbey. (1980). "Alexander Gumberg and Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1933." Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 71, 90.

Robert A. Devine. (1980). "Blowing on the Wind: The Nuclear Test Ban Debate, 1954-1960." Review of Politics, 42, 118-119.

Norman A. Graebner. (1979). "The Age of Global Power: The United States Since 1939." History Teacher, 13, 135-136.

Calvin D. Davis. (1977). "The United States and the Second Hague Peace Conference: American Diplomacy and International Organization, 1899-1914." Journal of American History, 64, 185-187.

Burton I. Kaufman. (1976). "Efficiency and Expansion: Foreign Trade Organization in the Wilson Administration 1913-1921." American Historical Review, 81, 682-683.

Arthur Link, et al. (1976). "Wilson’s Diplomacy: An International Symposium." American Historical Review, 81, 682-683.

Richard W. Van Alstyne. (1974). "The United States and East Asia." Journal of American History, 61, 472-473.

Ernest R. May and James C. Thomson Jr., eds. (1973). "American-East Asian Relations: A Survey." Journal of American History, 60, 514-515.

James B. Gidney, ed. (1973). "Edward T. Heald, Witness to Revolution: Letters from Russia, 1916-1919." Review of Politics, 35, 439-441.

Vera Vishnyakova-Akimova. (1973). "Two Years in Revolutionary China, 1925-1927." Russian Review, 32, 102-103.

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